
The PCCs of St. Peter’s and Holy Trinity take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Both parishes follow the national legal and procedural framework for safeguarding children and adults who may be at risk of harm, together with the national Church of England policies – The policies and procedures adopted follow those prescribed by the Diocese of Portsmouth.

Both PCCs have adopted and implemented the recommendations of Parish Safeguarding Handbook 2018 to ensure that our churches, and church-sponsored activities, are as safe as possible for all those who worship and work there, for those who live in the local community and for those who visit.

In adopting and implementing their Safeguarding guidance the PCCs have:

  • Nominated a Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) who links the Diocese of Portsmouth with both parishes on safeguarding issues. The PSO has an overview of all church activities involving children, young people and vulnerable adults and will seek to ensure the proper implementation of safeguarding policy.  The PSO also has responsibility for ensuring that leaders of church activities are DBS checked and trained in accordance with Diocesan Safeguarding policy.
  • Displayed on our noticeboards is a formal statement of our adoption of the House of Bishop’s “Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy Statement” agreed by the PCC (See link below to generic statement).
  • Adopted formal policies in respect of safeguarding including promoting a safer environment and culture and safer recruitment and of lone working.
  • Promoted training for the PCC and those working with children, young adults and vulnerable adults as part of our worship and outreach.
  • Ensured that Safeguarding is a standing item on the agenda for each PCC meeting.
  • Allocated time in our APCMs for consideration of Safeguarding issues.
  • Required the PSO to attend a PCC for each church at least annually to update the PCC about safeguarding requirements and issues.

The Parish Safeguarding Handbook is available on the Church of England website ( and a printed copy of our safeguarding policies and our Safeguarding Handbook are available in each church. 

If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding please do not hesitate to contact:

St Peter’s Church – Lucie Jones, Soberton Parish Safeguarding Officer 07478 334742 or

Holy Trinity Church – currently vacant

Diocese Safeguarding Advice

  • Diocese safeguarding team Monday to Thursday, 9am-5pm, via 023-9289 9665 or
  • Out of Hours advice from the Thirtyone:eight helpline on 0303 003 1111, selecting option 2
  • Social Services Out of Hours: Children: 0300 5551373 | Adults: 0300 5551386

Appendix A and Appendix B

Appendix E & Appendix F

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